As a tile guy, I spend a lot of time on my knees. Over the years I’ve tried many variations of the knee pad and none come close to the performance and comfort of the Pro Knee AP-16. Pro knee has been around for a long time and I was first introduced to them by Jason who had a pair of Pro Knee 0714. I tried them out and found them to be a bit bulky. They were hard to move around in and just over kill for every day usage. So, I forgot about the Pro Knee brand in general.
In the following months I must have tried every kind of knee pad at Home Depot, and all of them caused extreme discomfort behind my knee where the straps were. Man, Home Depot could really make some good money doing two things, selling a high-quality chicken biscuit and also selling a professional grade knee pad! But I digress!
I then started trying out knee pads from the flooring stores. The problem with these were that I would constantly roll out of them. I’d go to kneel, and the knee pad would roll up the side of my knee and my patella would hit the ground! OUCH!
I dealt with that for some time and then the power of Google kicked in. Once I started investigating new knee pad options, Google recommended a new Pro Knee product, the AP-16. The AP-16 was a minimalist version of their main product and it looked perfect for what I needed. At around $90 it was a considerably cheaper than the Pro Knee 0714 which clocked in at $239, and I loved the fact that all the parts on the AP-16 were replaceable and removable.
Speaking of removable parts, another problem with all other knee pads I used was that they started to STINK horribly after a couple weeks of usage, with no way to wash the fabric parts! I can’t go around working in peoples’ home smelling like a locker room, so I liked the fact that I could take the Pro Knee AP-16 apart and wash all the components!
After weighing all my options, (There are many) I decided to purchase the AP-16. It took about a week to get them in and as I took them out of the package I could tell they would soon become my most valuable and trusted tool. They were extremely heavy duty and I loved the flat, gloss leather front surface. Today, when I get thin set on that part, I’ll sand them down with an 80-grit sand paper, so I don’t scratch my customers wood floors. Try that with any other knee pad! I’ve also taken the AP-16 apart multiple times to wash the components! No more STINK!
They are also incredibly comfortable, and I can notice a change in my body after I’m done with a long day of work. The straps that go around your leg are not uncomfortable when you wear them. Most days I put them on when I get to the job and leave them on all day. Walk around, shorts or pants…no problem.
My ankles have always taken a beating in this business, but the difference with the Pro Knee is the actual thickness of the pad. They are about two inches thick, so instead of your ankles having to bend in an uncomfortable manner, your ankles stay at a perfect 90-degree angle which makes all the difference if you are working up and down all day.
Now, occasionally, I’ll get on my knees without my Pro Knees, and I instantly confirm to myself that they are the best because the degree of discomfort I experience is so immense. Another example is when I forget to bring my Pro Knees to a job site or leave them on another job and I need to use the back up pair, what a horrible day that is!
So, on this peaceful Sunday morning, I give a full-throated endorsement to Pro Knee and their AP-16 professional grade knee pad. If you do anything on your knees, gardening, flooring, cleaning….I recommend you spend the extra money and go for quality and performance. If you’re like me, you’ve already spent hundreds on other knee pads that under perform, so this should be a no brainer! Your body will thank you later and tell Pro Knee…Hamilton Tile sent you!
Purchase the Pro Knee AP-16 here!
How to de-construct your AP-16