Setting tile on top of painted floors, A common mistake that you should avoid.

A quick post about removing paint or any other finish from concrete or wood before installing tile. About half of the time when we show up to a concrete floor to install tile we find that the floor has been painted. In a basement homeowners will do it to make the surface a bit more 'finished'. This paint becomes a problem because our tile will only stick to the floor as well as that paint is stuck to the concrete. We always grind off this paint. If you're spending good money on tile, you obviously expect longevity (as you should) It's imperative to have a clean concrete surface to apply the thin set to. In the past we've torn up tile applied over painted floors and that's a dream situation for us because the tile comes right up. That to me is evidence that a floor has to be clean of ALL past coverings. Don't be fooled by a dismissive builder who states that you don't have to do the grinding because your tile will only be stuck to the floor as well as the paint.

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Ben here, the curator of this site. This site is here not only as an informational tool for you, but also a promotional tool for our company Hamilton Tile, LLC. Tile and bathroom remodeling is what we do for a living, it’s how we support our families. If you are in our local area and you have a project that you think we would be a good fit for, please contact us. My e-mail is and our office number is 770-675-6916. We would love to display our brand of quality and service in your home. Please follow us on Instagram and Facebook @hamiltontilega . Thanks for being here. For podcast or radio interviews contact us using the contact info above. Please consider DONATING BELOW. THANKS! Just click the photo.

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